Product Details
+Camp Anchor Unisex Crew Socks
The r socks celebrate the 50th anniversary of. The camp serves over 600 individuals with differing abilities ranging in age from 5 to over 70 years old. We love and the work they do, We donate 10 percent from the sale of each pair of the socks to .
The socks were designed by a camper named Alex. Her design was chosen from among dozens of designs submitted as part of a contest at or to celebrate the 50th anniversary. John traveled to r to thank Alex and give her the very first pair of socks. (See the photo below with John and Alex.)
As part of the contest and the celebration of 50th anniversary, John Crazy Socks donated 600 pairs of socks to The camp sold those socks and raised close to $10,000 for the camp.
is a full service day camp sponsored by the Town of Hempstead. They serve 600 campers with 200 pair staff and over 300 volunteer staff. They share our mission of showing whats possible and focusing on what people can do, not what people can't do.
Thank you to councilmen for bringing John's Crazy Socks & together